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Due to the dynamic development of our various educational institutions (f.ex. schools and preschools) we are looking for the English Teacher / Native Speaker to the small group of children in age between: 3 – 6. 

Starting the job since: 01/09/2024 year.

Our Requirements:

Availability to work at the full time job (8 hours / day).

Very good communication skills in English. 

Be ready to work with a disabled children (especially children with ASD-autism spectrum disorder).    

Creativity in organizing different educational activities for a group of children.      

Working conditions: 

Full time job from Monday to Friday: 07:30 to 15.30 or 09:30 to 17.30 p.m. 

Localization: Warsaw – Ursus. 

Your Responsibilities:

Preapering and conducting a various group activities in English for a group of children. 

Take care of children (max. 15 children in a group).

Everyday cooperation with parents and other team members as for ex. other teachers, psychologist, teacher helpers. 

Be ready to join the team meetings – extra paid.

What we offer:

Contract of employment. 

Very interesting and responsible job in a small group of children. 

Gaining the experience in a field of working with ASD children in a non-directive way. 

We offer trainings and support as well. 

Please send your application: recepcja@odispsycholog.pl with a title: 

English Teacher – Warsaw.

We will contact only with chosen people.

Dane kontaktowe
Imię i nazwisko:
Magdalena Pytel
Ważność ogłoszenia: od 29 czerwca 2024 do 29 lipca 2024
Redakcja portalu www.ngo.pl nie odpowiada za treść ogłoszeń.