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Mobile Group MHPSS activities dedicated to unaccompanied and separated children in alternative care
Save the Children Poland invites civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered in Poland to submit expression of interest for mobile group MHPSS (Mental Health and Psycho-Social Support) activities dedicated to unaccompanied and separated children placed in alternative care. The aim is to conduct regular mobile group activities for children and youth focused on developing social skills, identifying and managing emotions, self-regulation, and recognizing personal resources. Activities should include all children residing in facilities. The project will be conducted mainly in Podlaskie voivodship.
The deadline for submission of EOIs: 13.01.2024
Project planned start: 01.02.2025
Duration of the project: February-October 2025
More information, including the guidelines for expression of interest and evaluation criteria available in the attachment: “Call for Expression of Interest – MHPSS Activities".
Please find below a link with the templates of the annexes that the expression of interest must include: